Alice Marinelli

Alice Marinelli

United Kingdom

Alice completed a BA in History of Art and Humanistic Studies at John Cabot University as well as an MA and a PhD in History of Art at UCL, University College London. Her expertise is in early modern visual culture and in the history of art and visual culture of her hometown, Rome.

Education:University College London, 2024PhD History of ArtUniversity College London, 2018MA History of ArtJohn Cabot University, 2016BA History of ArtExpertise:
Art History
Early Modern Art
The Renaissance
Baroque Rome
Italian Art
European Art
Member since: Mar 16, 2023Location: United KingdomPublished posts: 4

Articles by Alice Marinelli

Monstrous Births: Understanding the Mystery of Birth Through Visual Culture
Monstrous Births: Understanding the Mystery of Birth Through Visual Culture

In early modern times, the female body was a threat to the patriarchal society. While images of ideal children praised the nature of mothers-to-be, monstrous births betrayed concerns over their unpredictable bodies.

How Was Madness Shown in Early Modern Europe?
How Was Madness Shown in Early Modern Europe?

In early modern Europe, madness was a mysterious phenomenon. This article observes the multiple ways in which it was imaged and imagined.

A Lifelong Challenge: Michelangelo’s Tomb of Pope Julius II
A Lifelong Challenge: Michelangelo’s Tomb of Pope Julius II

Michelangelo’s Tomb of Julius II has a long and complex history. Its story reminds us that even the greatest of artists faced endless challenges and failures.