Avery Rist

Avery Rist

United States

A wannabe philologist, Avery has an MA in Comparative Literature from Indiana University. From Nashville, Tennessee, she is a freelance writer and poet. Besides French, books, and other wordy-things, her research interests also include the intersection of literature and religion and/or philosophy.

Education:Indiana University, 2023MA Comparative LiteratureUnion University, 2020BA English Literature, BA French LiteratureExpertise:
Comparative Literature
French Literature
Medieval Studies
Religious Studies
Member since: May 15, 2024Location: United StatesPublished posts: 4

Articles by Avery Rist

Simone Weil: Did George Herbert Convert the French Mystic?
Simone Weil: Did George Herbert Convert the French Mystic?

Did a British Christian Poet affect a culturally Jewish, agnostic, quasi-mystic French philosopher? This is the story of George Herbert and Simone Weil.

How the Song of Roland Shaped the Way We (Still) Think of Charlemagne
How the Song of Roland Shaped the Way We (Still) Think of Charlemagne

Digby 23, a manuscript of The Song of Roland, has a complicated history that has affected King Charlemagne’s legacy.

How Did the Black Death Change the English Language?
How Did the Black Death Change the English Language?

The Black Death (or the Black Plague) did more than take lives: it also changed the trajectory of the English Language.