Cale Gressman

Cale Gressman

Cale was born in Colorado and currently lives in Northern Minnesota. He completed his BA in History, Philosophy, and Religion at the University of North Dakota and graduated in May of 2022. He is taking a gap year before applying for graduate school to complete his PhD in history. He is passionate about history in a wide range of areas, including American, European, military, and intellectual/philosophical history. He also enjoys writing and historical research.

Member since: Feb 07, 2023Published posts: 5

Articles by Cale Gressman

King Harald Hadrada: Life & Legacy of the Last Viking
King Harald Hadrada: Life & Legacy of the Last Viking

Harald Hadrada was an adventurer, mercenary, King of Norway, and claimant to the English throne. Discover the life and legacy of the last Viking.

Sir Walter Raleigh’s Adventurous Life: Sailor, Soldier, Scholar
Sir Walter Raleigh’s Adventurous Life: Sailor, Soldier, Scholar

Sailor, solider, poet; discover the exciting life of adventurer Sir Walter Raleigh.

Sir Francis Drake: England’s Greatest Seafarer
Sir Francis Drake: England’s Greatest Seafarer

Discover the life of Sir Francis Drake; one of England’s greatest seafarers.

A Brief History of English Privateers
A Brief History of English Privateers

Discover the history of English privateering from its origins to its end.