Caleb Howells

Caleb Howells


Caleb is a published history author with a strong interest in ancient Britain and the Mediterranean world. He holds a BA in the Doctrines and Methodology of Education from USILACS. He is the author of "King Arthur: The Man Who Conquered Europe" and "The Trojan Kings of Britain: Myth or History?". Caleb enjoys learning about history in general, but he especially loves investigating myths and legends and seeing how they might be explained by historical events and individuals.

Education:United States Institute of Language and Clerical Studies, 2020BA Doctrines and Methodology of EducationExpertise:
Arthurian Legends
Post-Roman Britain
Iron Age Britain
Roman Britain
Ancient Greece
Ancient Italy
Biblical Archaeology
Member since: May 18, 2022Location: BrazilPublished posts: 48

Articles by Caleb Howells

Sir Lancelot: King Arthur’s Greatest Knight and Betrayer
Sir Lancelot: King Arthur’s Greatest Knight and Betrayer

Lancelot is widely considered to be King Arthur’s greatest knight, but he is also famous for betraying him. Why was Lancelot important to the Arthurian legends?

The Lady of the Lake: King Arthur’s Enigmatic Ally
The Lady of the Lake: King Arthur’s Enigmatic Ally

The Lady of the Lake is a mysterious figure from the legends of King Arthur. What do the original stories say about the enigmatic lady?

What Were Wizard Merlin’s Historical Origins?
What Were Wizard Merlin’s Historical Origins?

Merlin was the wizard who served and guided King Arthur in the Arthurian legends. Often reimagined in pop culture, what is the story of the original Merlin?

Excalibur: The Legendary Sword of King Arthur
Excalibur: The Legendary Sword of King Arthur

Excalibur was the legendary sword of King Arthur. But what do we know about this sword, and how did the legend evolve over the years?

What Is the Earliest Evidence for King Arthur?
What Is the Earliest Evidence for King Arthur?

It is generally accepted that King Arthur first appeared in the 9th century Historia Brittonum. But is there earlier evidence for the legendary king?

Can the Real King Arthur Be Identified as Athrwys of Gwent?
Can the Real King Arthur Be Identified as Athrwys of Gwent?

Athrwys, son of Meurig of Gwent, is a long-forgotten candidate for the real King Arthur who may well be worth another look.

How Magnus Maximus’ Forgotten Son Contributed to the Arthurian Legends
How Magnus Maximus’ Forgotten Son Contributed to the Arthurian Legends

One of the figures proposed as contributing to the legend of King Arthur is an obscure figure recorded as the son of Magnus Maximus.

Do Genetic Studies Refute the Etruscans’ Anatolian Origin?
Do Genetic Studies Refute the Etruscans’ Anatolian Origin?

The Etruscans are traditionally believed to have migrated from western Anatolia. How do modern genetic studies contribute to this debate?