Cameron Hughes

Cameron Hughes

Cameron is a contributing writer with an interest in the transitional period between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages in Europe. He holds an MA in Field Archaeology from the University of York, and an MA in Politics from the University of Birmingham. His Masters dissertations have been on the end of Roman Britain and the concept of ‘crisis centuries’ in Western history.

Member since: Dec 02, 2022Published posts: 8

Articles by Cameron Hughes

Who Were the Successors of Charlemagne?
Who Were the Successors of Charlemagne?

Let’s take a glimpse at the Carolingian empire of Charlemagne’s sons and grandsons after his death.

Who Were the Successors of Constantine the Great?
Who Were the Successors of Constantine the Great?

An insight into the trials and tribulations of the Constantinian dynasty after the death of its great founder. Who were the successors of Constantine the Great?

How did the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea Change Christianity?
How did the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea Change Christianity?

Learn why the first of the great Ecumenical Councils, held at Nicaea in 325 CE, was so important.

When and Why Did Roman Britain End?
When and Why Did Roman Britain End?

How did the Western Roman Empire lose its first major province — Roman Britain — during its long decline.

Why Did Constantine the Great Choose Christianity?
Why Did Constantine the Great Choose Christianity?

What could be the rationale and motivations behind Constantine’s choice to convert to Christianity rather than to subscribe to the Cult of Sol Invictus or Apollo?