Charles J. Lockett

Charles J. Lockett

Ever since Charles was a lad, he’s been a history obsessive – he spent his summer holidays dragging his family around Welsh castles! He pursued that passion through University, studying Early-Modern Europe and the French Revolutions, receiving his MA in Politics from the University of Sheffield. Nowadays, he is a historical writer and researcher specializing in Medieval and Early Modern history, based in Yorkshire, UK. In his spare time, he is a Dungeon Master, aspiring fantasy novelist and cat dad.

Member since: Sep 06, 2021Published posts: 14

Articles by Charles J. Lockett

Ferdinand and Isabella: The Marriage That Unified Spain
Ferdinand and Isabella: The Marriage That Unified Spain

The Kingdom of Spain charts its origin in the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella in 1469. Their union, and their rule, triggered a war that forged the modern world.

The Changing Face of Medieval Spain: From Rome to Reconquista
The Changing Face of Medieval Spain: From Rome to Reconquista

The history of Medieval Spain is one of a realm at the borders between two worlds — and the long process of military Reconquista disguises a complex cultural interplay between them.

The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 and the Song of the “Cutty Wren”
The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 and the Song of the “Cutty Wren”

The Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 saw the world turned upside-down. Rural peasants joined forces with urban workers to address the injustices of their day — but were heartlessly betrayed.

The “Song of Roland”: Frankish Knight and the Crusader Myth
The “Song of Roland”: Frankish Knight and the Crusader Myth

The Song of Roland is a Medieval chivalric epic, an 11th-century action-thriller — but delve beneath the surface, and it becomes a complex tale of pseudo-history, Islamophobia, and Crusader ideology.

Masters of War: Outrageous Late Medieval Armor
Masters of War: Outrageous Late Medieval Armor

The 15th and 16th centuries saw the fashion for wildly decorated Late Medieval armor — and the armorers who made it became the rockstars of their age.

The First Guns: How Gunpowder Overcame the Sword
The First Guns: How Gunpowder Overcame the Sword

The Renaissance era saw the rise of the first guns in Western Europe, and they changed the face of warfare forever. This is their story of fire and steel.

The Varangian Guard: Who Were the Vikings of Byzantium?
The Varangian Guard: Who Were the Vikings of Byzantium?

Hailing from Russia, Scandinavia, and Anglo-Saxon England, the feared Varangian Guard struck terror into the hearts of the Byzantine Emperor’s enemies. This is their world-spanning history.

How Accurate Are the Viking Sagas?
How Accurate Are the Viking Sagas?

The Viking sagas are deeply compelling mythologies, but epics like the Volsunga saga also preserve some elements of historical fact.