Ching Yee Lim

Ching Yee Lim


Based in Singapore, Ching Yee specializes in writing and research, and her expertise spans multiple sectors including history, culture and heritage, and media. She holds a BA in History (Hons) from the National University of Singapore and is passionate about world history, American history, Asian history, and sociocultural topics. In her spare time, she enjoys pottery, museum-hopping, and films.

Education:National University of Singapore, 2016BA History (Hons)Expertise:
World History
Asian History
American History
Sociocultural History
Member since: Nov 12, 2021Location: SingaporePublished posts: 29

Articles by Ching Yee Lim

The Shophouse: 9 Things to Know About Asia’s Iconic Dwelling
The Shophouse: 9 Things to Know About Asia’s Iconic Dwelling

A shophouse is a traditional Asian dwelling made up of a ground business unit and a residence above. Here are 9 facts about shophouses.

What Did Americans Eat During the Great Depression?
What Did Americans Eat During the Great Depression?

With economic hardship and dwindling food supplies during the Great Depression, Americans invented creative methods to fill their dining tables and stomachs in the 1930s.

The Role of Women in 1950s America: Conformity or Change?
The Role of Women in 1950s America: Conformity or Change?

In an era where marriage and childbirth were seen as symbols of success, what was life like for women in 1950s America?

8 Great Depression Foods That Defined 1930s America
8 Great Depression Foods That Defined 1930s America

The economic hardship associated with the Great Depression spawned numerous innovative food creations. What are some of the popular Depression-era foods that defined 1930s America?

American Dream Revisited: Affluence & Turbulence in 1950s America
American Dream Revisited: Affluence & Turbulence in 1950s America

Following the devastating World War II, the 1950s was a decade of the American dream, growth, and widespread political and socio-economic change in the USA.

A History of Speakeasies in the USA: In the Spirit of Secrecy
A History of Speakeasies in the USA: In the Spirit of Secrecy

Speakeasies were hidden bars that operated on the sly and flourished during the Prohibition era in the United States of America.

Protein or Propaganda? The Story Behind America’s Love Affair with Milk
Protein or Propaganda? The Story Behind America’s Love Affair with Milk

Have you ever been told growing up that drinking milk is good for you? Let’s see if the beverage is actually good for you.

The Impact of Banned Alcohol in Prohibition-era America
The Impact of Banned Alcohol in Prohibition-era America

From the 1920s up until the early 1930s, an unprecedented alcohol ban took place in America. What was the cost and impact of Prohibition?