Claire Johnson

Claire Johnson

United Kingdom

Claire Johnson is registered clinical nutritionist with a BSc in Philosophy and Politics, and an MSc in Clinical Nutrition. She is a renowned author across a number of topics including Philosophy, Ancient Greece, Stoicism, Health and Nutrition.

Education:The University of RoehamptonMA Clinical NutritionThe University of ManchesterMSc Clinical NutritionThe University of Manchester, 2014BSc Philosophy and PoliticsExpertise:
Member since: Apr 14, 2022Location: United KingdomPublished posts: 5

Articles by Claire Johnson

Foundationalism: Can We Know Anything For Certain?
Foundationalism: Can We Know Anything For Certain?

What, if anything, can we know for certain? This is the question that foundationalism has long tried to answer.

5 Ways to Be Happy According to Epictetus
5 Ways to Be Happy According to Epictetus

In this article we will explore 5 things we can learn about achieving happiness from the Greek Stoic philosopher Epictetus.

How to Be Happy According to Plato
How to Be Happy According to Plato

Achieving happiness is a commonly shared goal. What did Plato, one of history’s most renowned philosophers, think about how to become a happy person?

Does Ayer’s Verification Principle Doom Itself?
Does Ayer’s Verification Principle Doom Itself?

How do we decide what is meaningful in the world, especially when it comes to theories, statements and states of affairs? This is the question that the Vienna Circle tried to tackle with the Verification Principle.