Daniel Soulard

Daniel Soulard


Daniel holds a bachelor’s degree in Classical Civilizations from Concordia University, Montreal, and is currently applying for his master’s in the same field. His areas of interest are Greek history from the Classical period through the conquests of Alexander the Great, as well as the ancient Greek language. He loves nothing more than to share his passion for history with anyone who will listen, and even with those who won’t.

Education:Concordia UniversityBASc Classical CivilizationsExpertise:
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Member since: Nov 13, 2023Location: CanadaPublished posts: 16

Articles by Daniel Soulard

9 Myths About the Greek Goddess Hera
9 Myths About the Greek Goddess Hera

Hera was the queen of the Olympian gods and the Greek goddess of marriage and women. In Greek myth, she is known for her vengeful temperament.

10 Myths About the Greek Goddess Artemis
10 Myths About the Greek Goddess Artemis

Fascinating stories about the goddess Artemis from Greek myth. The twin sister of Apollo, the chaste goddess, represents the wild wilderness and the hunt.

10 Myths About the Greek God Apollo
10 Myths About the Greek God Apollo

Ten fascinating classical myths about Apollo, the Greek god of art, prophecy, health, and plague.

Nike: The Greek Goddess of Victory Incarnate
Nike: The Greek Goddess of Victory Incarnate

In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess Nike personified victory, and the winged divinity could grant success in war, sports, and even the arts.

Eris: Goddess of Strife and Discord in Greek Mythology
Eris: Goddess of Strife and Discord in Greek Mythology

Eris was the Greek goddess of strife and discord. Mother to countless evil spirits that plague humanity, her actions precipitated the Trojan War.

Prometheus: The Titan Who Defied Zeus and Created Humanity
Prometheus: The Titan Who Defied Zeus and Created Humanity

The Greek god Prometheus was a Titan famous as a benefactor of mankind. But he was bound and punished for tricking the gods to benefit men.

10 Myths About the Greek God Poseidon
10 Myths About the Greek God Poseidon

Poseidon was the ancient Greek god of the seas and earthquakes, and his temper was as tempestuous as the waters he called home.

11 Myths About the Greek God Zeus
11 Myths About the Greek God Zeus

Zeus was the ancient Greek god of the sky and the supreme deity in the pantheon. Explore eleven myths of the most powerful god in the ancient world.