Dušan Nikolić

Dušan Nikolić


Dušan is an art historian and graduate of the University of Belgrade, specializing in the medieval art of Eastern Europe and 19th-century European art. Formerly a museum and cultural heritage worker, he spends most of his free time and research on interdisciplinary work between art history and psychology.

Education:University of BelgradeMA Art HistoryUniversity of BelgradeBA Art HistoryExpertise:
Medieval Art
Byzantine History
Byzantine Art
19th-century European art
Member since: Mar 09, 2022Location: SerbiaPublished posts: 41

Articles by Dušan Nikolić

10 Incredible Artworks by Félicien Rops
10 Incredible Artworks by Félicien Rops

Félicien Rops' art is full of satiric, demonic, and erotic themes, supposed to hold a mirror to contemporary society's repressive and hypocritical standards and morals.

Franz von Stuck: German Symbolist Painter & “Prince of Art”
Franz von Stuck: German Symbolist Painter & “Prince of Art”

Franz von Stuck is best known for transforming traditional, biblical, and mythological subjects into symbols of modern life during the fin-de-siècle.

10 Incredible Examples of European Symbolist Art
10 Incredible Examples of European Symbolist Art

Ambiguous and often dark Symbolist art depicts a highly artificial world of fantasy, myth, and dreams.

10 of Franz von Stuck’s Best Artworks
10 of Franz von Stuck’s Best Artworks

Franz von Stuck’s art, with sinister elements of Symbolism and decorativeness of Art Nouveau, made him one of the most celebrated German artists at the turn of the 20th century.

The Importance of Gilded Manuscript Illumination in the Carolingian Dynasty
The Importance of Gilded Manuscript Illumination in the Carolingian Dynasty

Manuscript illumination under the rulers of the Carolingian dynasty and its turn toward classical culture marked an important point in the development of Western European art.

A Timeline of European Architecture in the Middle Ages
A Timeline of European Architecture in the Middle Ages

From the late Roman period across Carolingian architecture to the international styles of Romanesque and Gothic, medieval architecture shows a great variety that is rarely recognized.

10 of Max Klinger’s Most Incredible Artworks
10 of Max Klinger’s Most Incredible Artworks

Engaging with social criticism, human psychology, and the subjective self, Max Klinger’s art paved the way for modern art movements such as Expressionism, Surrealism, and New Objectivity.

Max Klinger: A Symbolist in Art & Life
Max Klinger: A Symbolist in Art & Life

Max Klinger is one of the best-known Symbolist artists of the 19th century in Germany, whose art paved the way for future movements of modern art.