Edd Hodsdon

Edd Hodsdon

Edd holds a BA in Professional Writing, he has worked at the Dover museum as well as the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. He is most fascinated by the Achaemenid Persian Empire and has been interested in the Ancient world his entire life. His hobbies include walking, philosophy, history, photography, and writing fiction.

Member since: Jan 25, 2021Published posts: 11

Articles by Edd Hodsdon

8 Philosophers of Stoicism You Should Know
8 Philosophers of Stoicism You Should Know

Stoicism advocates living a virtuous life to achieve happiness. Famous Stoics include Zeno of Citium and Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius.

9 Greatest Cities Of The Persian Empire
9 Greatest Cities Of The Persian Empire

At its height, the Persian Empire spanned an area from the Hindu Kush to Asia Minor. Across this vast landscape, the Achaemenid Empire boasted several great cities like Persepolis.

11 Greek Philosophers Who Shaped the World
11 Greek Philosophers Who Shaped the World

Western thought owes much to ancient Greek philosophers, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. Here are eleven Greek philosophers you should know.

The World’s 9 Greatest Ancient Cities to Know
The World’s 9 Greatest Ancient Cities to Know

All of the ancient world's greatest civilizations boasted a mighty metropolis. These ancient cities rose and fell with powerful empires and left legendary legacies that still endure today.

9 Greatest Foes Of The Achaemenid Empire
9 Greatest Foes Of The Achaemenid Empire

Throughout its history, the Achaemenid Empire amassed several deadly enemies. This included rival kings, Scythian warlords, Greek generals, and finally Alexander the Great, who defeated the Persian Empire.

King Xerxes I: His Life, Rule, & Legacy In 9 Fascinating Facts
King Xerxes I: His Life, Rule, & Legacy In 9 Fascinating Facts

King Xerxes I is often depicted as a tyrant. Infamous for his invasion of Greece and with a reign marred by revolts, he started the Achaemenid Empire's decline.

Darius the Great: 9 Facts About The King Of Kings
Darius the Great: 9 Facts About The King Of Kings

Darius the Great is one of the most famous kings of the Achaemenid Empire. He conquered new lands and overhauled Persia's infrastructure and economy, ushering in a golden age.