Igor Zanetti

Igor Zanetti


Igor is a philosophy scholar, competitive strength athlete, renowned English teacher, and academic coordinator in educational institutions.

Education:Juiz de Fora Federal UniversityBA PhilosophyAcademic Center Estacio de SaBA PedagogyExpertise:
Member since: Jun 23, 2022Location: BrazilPublished posts: 7

Articles by Igor Zanetti

What Is The Critical Pedagogy Movement?
What Is The Critical Pedagogy Movement?

The Critical Pedagogy movement is a revolutionary approach to education that unites philosophy, pedagogy, and social awareness. Who are its most important contributors?

The Philosophy of Death: 5 Mind-Blowing Views
The Philosophy of Death: 5 Mind-Blowing Views

The only certainty in life is death. But what can the philosophy of death uncover about it? In this article we will explore five different philosophical theories.

Paulo Freire: The Brazilian Philosopher Who Revolutionized Education
Paulo Freire: The Brazilian Philosopher Who Revolutionized Education

Paulo Freire is one of the most influential figures in pedagogy. What were his theories?

Descartes’ Skepticism: A Journey from Doubt to Existence
Descartes’ Skepticism: A Journey from Doubt to Existence

René Descartes is one of the greatest minds in human history, and one of his greatest contributions is the methodological skepticism established in his essay ‘Discourse of the Method’.

Heraclitus and Parmenides: What is the Nature of the Universe?
Heraclitus and Parmenides: What is the Nature of the Universe?

Philosophy's oldest question: what is the nature of the universe? Greek philosophers Heraclitus and Parmenides answered with opposing views.