Isabella Trope

Isabella Trope


Isabella is an early-career museum professional with degrees in ancient history and archaeology.

Education:Macquarie University, 2024BA Ancient HistoryMacquarie University, 2024BA ArchaeologyExpertise:
Ancient Near East
Neolithic Anatolia
Member since: Jun 30, 2021Location: AustraliaPublished posts: 7

Articles by Isabella Trope

4 Famous Graves of the Ancient Minoans & Mycenaeans
4 Famous Graves of the Ancient Minoans & Mycenaeans

Ancient burials can tell us many things about the societies conducting them. Let’s look at the graves of the Minoans and Mycenaeans to see what we can learn about them.

What Are the Five Most Important Empires of Ancient Mesopotamia?
What Are the Five Most Important Empires of Ancient Mesopotamia?

In ancient Mesopotamia, humanity’s first empires were born. What were these empires, and how did they change the world?

How Did a Debt Crisis Lead to Athenian Democracy?
How Did a Debt Crisis Lead to Athenian Democracy?

How did Athenian democracy spring from the land crisis of the 7th century, and the despair of people becoming slaves to fulfill debts?

Lessons about Experiencing Nature From Ancient Minoans and Elamites
Lessons about Experiencing Nature From Ancient Minoans and Elamites

The ancient Minoans and Elamites were from different times and places but shared one thing in common: an appreciation of the sensations of being in nature.

Ancient Mesopotamia: How Did Art Lead to Writing?
Ancient Mesopotamia: How Did Art Lead to Writing?

In the archaeology of ancient Mesopotamia, we can see how art was the genesis of written language. Lets take a look at its evolution.