Jack Crawford

Jack Crawford

Jack is a contributing writer with a primary interest in Medieval History, in particular the early medieval period. He completed a bachelor’s degree in Medieval History at the University of St. Andrews, and a masters in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic at the University of Cambridge.

Member since: Nov 20, 2020Published posts: 8

Articles by Jack Crawford

Barbarian Invasion: The Beginning of the End for Rome?
Barbarian Invasion: The Beginning of the End for Rome?

In 406 AD, there was a large-scale barbarian invasion across the Rhine frontier into the territory of the Western Roman Empire, beginning a period of upheaval and decline.

7 Interesting Facts About the Long Reign of Emperor Basil II
7 Interesting Facts About the Long Reign of Emperor Basil II

Emperor Basil II had one of the longest reigns of any Byzantine ruler. Under his direction and skillful administration, Byzantium grew to the largest it had been in four centuries.

7 Impressive Norman Castles Built by William the Conqueror
7 Impressive Norman Castles Built by William the Conqueror

Following his conquest of Anglo-Saxon England and coronation as King of England in 1066, William the Conqueror built a great number of castles across England to control his new realm.

The Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England
The Christianization of Anglo-Saxon England

When the Anglo-Saxons inhabited Britain, they brought with them Germanic paganism. The story of the conversion of the Saxons to Christianity is one filled with political intrigue and bloody conflict.

Understanding Byzantine Economy: The Collapse of a Medieval Powerhouse
Understanding Byzantine Economy: The Collapse of a Medieval Powerhouse

As the successors of the Romans, the Byzantines maintained one of the most advanced economies in medieval times. However, this great wealth dramatically collapsed in the 13th century.