Jono Elderton

Jono Elderton


Jono is an Australian writer with a passion for Ancient Egypt. He has worked as a journalist, media manager, and English teacher. After travelling extensively worldwide and teaching in Thailand and Japan, he now lives in the outback and writes about ancient cultures, mythology, and the arts.

Education:University of CanberraBA Creative WritingDeakin UniversityGraduate Diploma in Professional WritingExpertise:
Member since: Dec 16, 2019Location: AustraliaPublished posts: 7

Articles by Jono Elderton

13 Essential Egyptian Pharaohs Who Shaped Ancient Egypt
13 Essential Egyptian Pharaohs Who Shaped Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt was built by a succession of great rulers contributing to the world’s longest continuing civilization. Let’s discuss Pharaohs

16 of the Most Significant Gods of Ancient Egypt
16 of the Most Significant Gods of Ancient Egypt

From Taweret to Ra, these are 16 ancient Egyptian gods you should know.

Ancient Egypt: 16 Little Known Facts About The World’s Longest Continuous Civilization
Ancient Egypt: 16 Little Known Facts About The World’s Longest Continuous Civilization

Ancient Egypt was the world’s longest continuous civilization that brought us pyramids, papyrus, mummies, and pharaohs.

Horemheb: The Military Leader Who Restored of Ancient Egypt
Horemheb: The Military Leader Who Restored of Ancient Egypt

Horemheb was the final Pharaoh of Ancient Egypt’s 18th dynasty and restored traditional worship after the chaos of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and Ay.

11 Amazing Monuments of Ancient Egypt
11 Amazing Monuments of Ancient Egypt

Discover the must-see monuments of ancient Egypt. These enduring landmarks of the ancient Egyptian civilization continue to fascinate millions of tourists who visit them every year.