Kristoffer Uggerud

Kristoffer Uggerud

Kristoffer is a History and Social Studies high school teacher in Norway. Both of his degrees are from the University of Oslo, Norway. He enjoys hunting, fishing, and spending time with my family in his spare time.

Member since: Feb 15, 2023Published posts: 4

Articles by Kristoffer Uggerud

Siege of Tyre: How Alexander the Great Captured the Phoenician City
Siege of Tyre: How Alexander the Great Captured the Phoenician City

The Phoenician city of Tyre was one of the best-fortified cities in history. It was also crucial to Alexander the Great’s plans to conquer the Persian Empire.

Ming Dynasty: The Rise & Fall of China’s Despotic State
Ming Dynasty: The Rise & Fall of China’s Despotic State

The Ming Dynasty arose during the violent unrest that followed the collapse of the Mongol Yuan dynasty in the early 14th century.

The Early Christian Martyrs: Persecutions in the Roman Empire
The Early Christian Martyrs: Persecutions in the Roman Empire

The early Christian martyrs were persecuted for their beliefs. Their deaths were seen as a testimony of the truth of Christianity. Rome had never faced such an enemy before.