Lauren Nitschke

Lauren Nitschke

Lauren is a past teacher of English and History. She holds a Bachelor of Arts, a teaching diploma, and post-graduate qualifications in History. Lauren is a Graduate Historian with the Professional Historians Association of Victoria and Tasmania (Australia). Her areas of special interest include Medieval History and Victorian England. She resides in rural Australia with her family and a multitude of furry friends.

Member since: May 09, 2021Published posts: 11

Articles by Lauren Nitschke

European Witch-Hunting (A Brief History)
European Witch-Hunting (A Brief History)

European witch-hunting became a widespread phenomenon in the medieval period and reached its zenith in the 17th century. Witch-hunters would stop at nothing to drive out a suspected witch.

Hurrem Sultan: The Ottoman Concubine Who Became Queen
Hurrem Sultan: The Ottoman Concubine Who Became Queen

Hurrem Sultan was sold in the slave markets of the Ottoman Empire. Originally a concubine, she married the Sultan and became queen.

Death of Marie Antoinette: How & Why (French Revolution)
Death of Marie Antoinette: How & Why (French Revolution)

The death of Marie Antoinette is now considered a key moment in the French Revolution, but was it necessary? Why and how did the French queen die in 1793?

The Black Death (10 Medieval Cures)
The Black Death (10 Medieval Cures)

When the Black Death struck Europe, society didn’t know how to treat it. Some remedies had their basis in herbal medicine, but others were nonsense and made patients worse.

The Woodvilles: 3 Powerful Medieval Women
The Woodvilles: 3 Powerful Medieval Women

The Woodvilles – Jacquetta of Luxembourg, Elizabeth Woodville, and Elizabeth of York – were three generations of medieval women who left an indelible mark on England.

Elizabeth Woodville: 8 Key Facts About the Queen
Elizabeth Woodville: 8 Key Facts About the Queen

Elizabeth Woodville was a remarkable medieval woman. King Edward IV, married her for love, not political gain. Yet, her life as queen was marred by scandal and heartbreak.

How Did Victorian England Create Gothic Literature?
How Did Victorian England Create Gothic Literature?

Gothic Literature is a genre that was created by the cultural and societal norms of Victorian England. Various historical elements of Victorian England have also contributed to this unique genre.