Marialena Perpiraki

Marialena Perpiraki


Marialena is a journalist and content writer with an interest in comparative mythology and folklore. She holds a BA in Communications, Media & Culture from Panteion University of Athens and an MSc. in Media & Convergence Management from AAU, Austria.

Education:Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt, AustriaMSc. Media & Convergence ManagementPanteion University of AthensBA Communications Media & CultureExpertise:
Ancient Greece
Member since: Jan 29, 2023Location: AustriaPublished posts: 8

Articles by Marialena Perpiraki

Top 10 Places to Visit in Athens, Greece
Top 10 Places to Visit in Athens, Greece

Here are the landmarks, archaeological sites, and neighborhoods that no one should miss during their trip to Athens.

7 Museums to Visit in Athens
7 Museums to Visit in Athens

With more than 70 museums across the city, Athens remains a cultural hub. Here are seven museums that everyone should visit in Athens, Greece.

Pandora’s Box: Curiosity, Misfortune, and Hope (Greek Myth)
Pandora’s Box: Curiosity, Misfortune, and Hope (Greek Myth)

The Greek myth of Pandora’s Box is a cautionary tale about curiosity and reveals how the ancient Greeks viewed women, change, and morality.

Lighthouse of Alexandria: Secrets of the Ancient Wonder
Lighthouse of Alexandria: Secrets of the Ancient Wonder

The ancient Lighthouse of Alexandria guided ships safely into the Egyptian harbor for centuries and became one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The Unexpected Links Between the Virgin Mary & Goddess Athena
The Unexpected Links Between the Virgin Mary & Goddess Athena

Divine virgin mothers, bearers of holy wisdom, symbols of protection worshipped on the same grounds. The links between the Virgin Mary and Athena are too many to ignore.