Marianne Plasse

Marianne Plasse


Marianne Plasse is a French Canadian author with a passion for 19th and 20th century History, and is fascinated by the context that informed these time periods, from ancient times onward. She infuses her background as a History student into her writing and uses it to explain the world as it is today.

Education:University of Montreal, 2020BA HistoryUniversity of Montreal, 2021Certificate Art HistoryExpertise:
19th Century
20th Century
Member since: Dec 11, 2022Location: CanadaPublished posts: 10

Articles by Marianne Plasse

Once Upon a Time in World War II: Walt Disney & Hollywood Propaganda
Once Upon a Time in World War II: Walt Disney & Hollywood Propaganda

In a surprising turn of events during the Second World War, Walt Disney himself and his crew turned animation into a weapon of war.

Where Did the Vikings Travel? A Legacy of Raids, Voyages, and Trade
Where Did the Vikings Travel? A Legacy of Raids, Voyages, and Trade

While represented as bloodthirsty Viking warriors in popular culture, the complex history of medieval Scandinavians oscillated between violence and peace.

Royal Menageries: How an Elephant Wound Up in Charlemagne’s Court
Royal Menageries: How an Elephant Wound Up in Charlemagne’s Court

From ancient Rome to Charlemagne’s court to the Tower of London and beyond, roaring lions and trumpeting elephants have been traveling across Europe for thousands of years.

The Siege of La Rochelle: A Battle of Kings & Frenchmen
The Siege of La Rochelle: A Battle of Kings & Frenchmen

In a prosperous French city strategically on the Atlantic Ocean, the siege of La Rochelle was the climax of a centuries-long religious war.

The Powerful Legacy of German Expressionism
The Powerful Legacy of German Expressionism

During the tumultuous political and social climate of early 20th century Germany, artists found ways to express their fears and pain using a wide array of mediums.

Who Was Christina of Sweden? Queen, Arts Patron, & Political Conniver
Who Was Christina of Sweden? Queen, Arts Patron, & Political Conniver

A controversial figure in her time who rejected norms and etiquette, Christina, Queen of Sweden, had a fascinating life full of political twists and turns.