Matt Whittaker

Matt Whittaker

Matt Whittaker is an avid history reader, fascinated by the why, how and when. With a B.A. in History and Asian Studies from University of Massachusetts, he does deep dives into medieval, Asian and military history. Matt’s other passion besides family is the long-distance Zen-like runs.

Member since: Nov 07, 2023Published posts: 71

Articles by Matt Whittaker

When Were Camels Used in the Old West?
When Were Camels Used in the Old West?

Incredibly, camels played a vital role in the Old West; with their hardy constitutions they became the ideal companions in arid, desert regions.

Why Were the Texas Rangers Formed?
Why Were the Texas Rangers Formed?

The law enforcement agency known as the Texas Rangers was founded to shield settlers from Native American tribes.

Director of Dreams: Who Is Akira Kurosawa?
Director of Dreams: Who Is Akira Kurosawa?

Japanese master filmmaker Akira Kurosawa made his mark during the 1940s, and his influence is still felt in the work of international filmmakers today.

WWII Bombers: The Aircraft That Shaped the War
WWII Bombers: The Aircraft That Shaped the War

World War II is when the bomber came of age, and such aircraft could impact the course of war. All the powers would field planes whose names would become synonymous with this conflict.

How Did Samurai Movies and Westerns Influence Each Other?
How Did Samurai Movies and Westerns Influence Each Other?

While samurai movies and Westerns might seem entirely distinct, hardcore fans will notice many overlaps between the two classic film genres.

What Was the Massachusetts 54th Regiment?
What Was the Massachusetts 54th Regiment?

The 54th Regiment was an army of free and enslaved African American slaves who played a key role during the American Civil War.

What Were Hobart’s Funnies?
What Were Hobart’s Funnies?

The curiously named ‘Hobart’s Funnies’ was the British Royal Army’s 79th Armored Division, named after British officer Major General Sir Percy Hobart.

What Made the Harlem Hellfighters Legendary?
What Made the Harlem Hellfighters Legendary?

The Harlem Hellfighters were the African American soldiers of the 369th Infantry Regiment, who earned a legendary reputation for their fearless bravery.