Matthew Doherty

Matthew Doherty

United Kingdom

Matthew is a professional writer specializing in military history and security studies. His work has been featured in BBC History Magazine and Military Trader magazine, among others.

Education:University of EdinburghMSc East Asian RelationsUniversity of LeedsBA Asia Pacific StudiesExpertise:
Military History
British History
Asian History
African History
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Security Studies
Member since: Oct 28, 2021Location: United KingdomPublished posts: 6

Articles by Matthew Doherty

5 Naval Battles of the French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars
5 Naval Battles of the French Revolution & Napoleonic Wars

The French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars saw the navies of Britain, France, Spain, and Holland compete for domination of the world’s sea lanes.

5 Key Battles of the First Crusade
5 Key Battles of the First Crusade

The First Crusade was to be an “armed pilgrimage” to Jerusalem. In the Muslim world, the effects of this decision echo to the present.

5 Key Battles of the Hundred Years’ War
5 Key Battles of the Hundred Years’ War

The Hundred Years’ War was one of the most important conflicts of the medieval era, forging the identity of France and England and ending the supremacy of the armored knight.

How the Fourth Crusade Was Aimed at Jerusalem but Hit Constantinople
How the Fourth Crusade Was Aimed at Jerusalem but Hit Constantinople

The 4th Crusade aimed to retake Jerusalem. It was well-financed and had Papal backing. So how did it end up sacking a fellow Christian city, the Byzantine Empire’s capital Constantinople?