Michael Arnold

Michael Arnold

Michael is a contributing writer and former world traveler whose hometown is New York City. He spent the majority of 2019 exploring Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. And currently, he’s studying for a masters degree in Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Pavia in Italy. In his spare time, Michael enjoys researching and writing about art, history, and archaeology with a focus on the ancient world.

Member since: Oct 04, 2020Published posts: 12

Articles by Michael Arnold

Obelisks in Exile: Ancient Rome’s Fascination With Egyptian Monuments
Obelisks in Exile: Ancient Rome’s Fascination With Egyptian Monuments

The relocation of Egyptian obelisks to ancient Rome was a common undertaking first endeavored by Caesar Augustus. But just what did these monoliths of antiquity represent to the Romans?

4 Victorious Epic Roman Battles
4 Victorious Epic Roman Battles

Ancient Rome is synonymous with war. Here are four epic Roman battles occurring over a period of time spanning the Republic, the Empire, and the Eastern Empire.

Truths & Plots: 5 Crucial Fables of Greek Mythology
Truths & Plots: 5 Crucial Fables of Greek Mythology

Set in a world of nymphs, gods, and monsters, the fables of Greek mythology have endured time as much for their fantastic plots as their implicit universal truths.

The Ptolemies: What Was Ancient Egypt Like Under Greek Control?
The Ptolemies: What Was Ancient Egypt Like Under Greek Control?

The Ptolemies were a Greek dynasty that ruled ancient Egypt in the final centuries before the Common Era. They made a lasting impact on Nilotic culture and its landscape.

Banking, Trade & Commerce In Ancient Phoenicia
Banking, Trade & Commerce In Ancient Phoenicia

The kingdoms of ancient Phoenicia are remembered for maritime trading networks that made them wildly prosperous. Through banking and commerce, they maintained economic hegemony in the Mediterranean for a millennium.

10 Roman Coliseums Outside of Italy To Visit
10 Roman Coliseums Outside of Italy To Visit

The ancient Romans constructed coliseums across their empire. Here are ten of the most interesting extant Roman coliseums outside of Italy.

Exporting Hercules: How A Greek God Influenced Western Superpowers
Exporting Hercules: How A Greek God Influenced Western Superpowers

The Greek god Hercules was adopted by Punic and Roman colonial powers to legitimize their expansion in the western Mediterranean. His mythology linked them to the inheritance of ancient Greece.

The Magic Amulets of Ancient Egyptian Mummies For Eternal Life
The Magic Amulets of Ancient Egyptian Mummies For Eternal Life

Ancient Egypt was famous for its occult practices, particularly in the use of magic amulets. These talismans were believed to summon the aid of the gods in the afterlife.