Monisha Choudhary

Monisha Choudhary

Monisha is a researcher, writer, and artist pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Arts and in Law from Tribhuvan University, Nepal. She has been engaged in performance arts, as a performer and a facilitator; and takes a keen interest in philosophy and politics.

Member since: May 27, 2021Published posts: 9

Articles by Monisha Choudhary

Salman Rushdie on the Edge of Freedom
Salman Rushdie on the Edge of Freedom

When pushback arose against Salman Rushdie, a complicated interplay between neoliberalism and Islamophobia emerged, and the freedom of expression and religion proved to be feeble defenses.

Simone de Beauvoir and ‘The Second Sex’: What Is a Woman?
Simone de Beauvoir and ‘The Second Sex’: What Is a Woman?

Simone de Beauvoir’s ‘The Second Sex’ challenged what it meant to “do” philosophy while being the secondary subject of philosophy: the woman.

3 Essential Works by Simone de Beauvoir You Need to Know
3 Essential Works by Simone de Beauvoir You Need to Know

Simone de Beauvoir was an insightful philosopher and feminist activist whose works have had a significant impact on how we view the world.

Angela Davis: The Legacy of Crime and Punishment
Angela Davis: The Legacy of Crime and Punishment

Amid her community’s perpetual outcry for humanity and dignity, African-American activist and scholar Angela Davis found her cause in the undoing of the American punitive system.

Gilles Deleuze: The Philosophy of Creation
Gilles Deleuze: The Philosophy of Creation

Drawing and departing from scholars and peers, philosopher Gilles Deleuze embodied change and perseverance by honoring difference as a concept and materializing it through repetition.

Michel Foucault’s Philosophy: The Modern Lie of Reform
Michel Foucault’s Philosophy: The Modern Lie of Reform

Frenchman Michel Foucault looked into the past to understand where we stand in the present as a society. He concluded that we’re more oppressed than ever.