Philippa Ogden

Philippa Ogden

Philippa Ogden has a passion for history and holds a MA in the History of Medicine from Newcastle University. She is particularly interested in perceptions of the body within the early modern period. In her spare time, she is a keen musician who plays old-time and bluegrass fiddle in her hometown of North-East England.

Member since: Mar 09, 2020Published posts: 6

Articles by Philippa Ogden

5 Birth Control Methods In The Medieval Period
5 Birth Control Methods In The Medieval Period

How did people avoid pregnancy in a period where extra and pre-marital sex was condemned? Read on to discover five methods of birth control in the Medieval Period.

Vixen or Virtuous: Depicting Women in WW2 Public Health Campaigns
Vixen or Virtuous: Depicting Women in WW2 Public Health Campaigns

The outbreak of venereal diseases in WW2 was serious enough to warrant a public health campaign. Read on about how women in WW2 were weaponized in the relevant posters.

Sir Cecil Beaton’s Career As Vogue And Vanity Fair’s Distinguished Photographer
Sir Cecil Beaton’s Career As Vogue And Vanity Fair’s Distinguished Photographer

Sir Cecil Beaton was a British fashion, portrait, and war photographer whose distinct style of photography caught the attention of eminent fashion publications such as Vogue and Vanity Fair.

Romanticizing Death: Art in the Age of Tuberculosis
Romanticizing Death: Art in the Age of Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a disease that peaked in the 19th and 20th century. While the disease is far from pretty, the art that stemmed from it is surprisingly beautiful. Read on to discover how this disease influenced the artists of the societies it affected.