Rebecca Clayton

Rebecca Clayton

Rebecca is a higher education professional and contributing writer living in London, United Kingdom. Her master’s thesis entitled ‘Disassembling the Myth of the Struggling Artist in George Orwell’s Keep the Aspidistra Flying’ was published in the Orwell Studies academic journal, the world’s leading journal on the life and works of George Orwell. She is deeply passionate about examining the role of the artist in society, both past and present. On her free time, she enjoys cooking, reading, travelling, and gaming.

Member since: Nov 22, 2023Published posts: 3

Articles by Rebecca Clayton

How Did George Orwell’s Life Influence his Literature?
How Did George Orwell’s Life Influence his Literature?

Many people know nothing more about Orwell than his most famous novels. However, he led a turbulent life marked by ill health, war, and a fatal commitment to democratic socialism.

What Is the Myth of the “Struggling Artist” in Literature?
What Is the Myth of the “Struggling Artist” in Literature?

The myth of the Struggling Artist exists across literature, from the American Beat poets to the European modernists, but can be traced back to the French Revolution.