Sasha Putt

Sasha Putt


Sasha is a History graduate with a specialization in 20th-century politics and the development of extreme ideology, writing his major research paper on the radical right in First World War Britain and France. He holds an MA in History from the University of Toronto and a BA in History from Durham University.

Education:University of TorontoMA HistoryDurham UniversityBA HistoryNational Council for the Training of JournalistsDiploma in JournalismExpertise:
20th-century Europe
20th-century Ideologies
Political History
Post-colonial Africa
Member since: Aug 15, 2022Location: CanadaPublished posts: 8

Articles by Sasha Putt

7 Wars That Nearly Happened (But Didn’t)
7 Wars That Nearly Happened (But Didn’t)

Throughout history, the world has been brought close to devastating wars, that were prevented by last-minute interventions. Here are 7 events where war almost broke out.

The Nigerian Civil War: The Conflict that Captivated the World
The Nigerian Civil War: The Conflict that Captivated the World

Within ten years of its independence, the Nigerian Civil War erupted into a violent conflict built upon ethnic tension, which resulted in the death of nearly 3 million people.

The Nigerian Civil War: The Birth of the NGO?
The Nigerian Civil War: The Birth of the NGO?

The Nigerian Civil War precipitated one of the worst crises of the twentieth century, which was instrumental in the development of the international aid movement.

The Nigerian Civil War: Foreign Intervention, Oil, & Ideology
The Nigerian Civil War: Foreign Intervention, Oil, & Ideology

The Nigerian Civil War drew the attention of the world as global superpowers chose which side to support to further their own interests.

Benito Mussolini’s Rise to Power: From Biennio Rosso to March on Rome
Benito Mussolini’s Rise to Power: From Biennio Rosso to March on Rome

Benito Mussolini seized power in Italy following years of political turmoil. In the process, he completely reinvented his ideology, using the First World War and subsequent fallout as inspiration.