Stefanie Graf

Stefanie Graf


Stefanie Graf specializes in how art historical and philosophical phenomena impact contemporary art. She received her bachelor’s degree in art history at the University of Vienna, Austria, and is currently pursuing a master's degree in both art history and philosophy. Interested in researching the influence art has on the viewer and society, Stefanie believes that art can question, shape, and change the way we think and live.

Education:University of Vienna, 2021BA Art HistoryExpertise:
Art History
Contemporary Art
Member since: Feb 16, 2021Location: AustriaPublished posts: 60

Articles by Stefanie Graf

8 Famous Dada Artists Who Achieved Greatness
8 Famous Dada Artists Who Achieved Greatness

Here are 8 Dada artists who made significant contributions to the movement.

7 Famous Surrealist Artists Who Achieved Greatness
7 Famous Surrealist Artists Who Achieved Greatness

Surrealism was one of the most influential art movements of the 20th century. Here are 7 Surrealist artists that you need to know.

7 Famous Dutch Artists Who Achieved Greatness
7 Famous Dutch Artists Who Achieved Greatness

From the Dutch Golden Age to Modernism, there were many great Dutch artists who greatly contributed to the world of art.

7 Famous Impressionist Artists Who Achieved Greatness
7 Famous Impressionist Artists Who Achieved Greatness

Impressionist artists changed the course of art history in numerous ways. Here are 7 impressionists that you need to know.

6 Unsettling Artworks by Mike Kelley
6 Unsettling Artworks by Mike Kelley

In Mike Kelley’s unsettling art, themes like Repressed Memory Syndrome, trauma, and violence are combined with popular culture, plush toys, and more.

6 Things You Should Know about Sculptor Augusta Savage
6 Things You Should Know about Sculptor Augusta Savage

Augusta Savage was an accomplished artist and an influential educator.

6 Bizarre Public Sculptures by Paul McCarthy
6 Bizarre Public Sculptures by Paul McCarthy

Paul McCarthy’s public artworks are usually characterized by their enormous size and controversial nature.

Mona Hatoum: 6 Facts About the British-Palestinian Artist
Mona Hatoum: 6 Facts About the British-Palestinian Artist

Mona Hatoum often blends political topics with personal experiences in her work. Here are six facts about her career as an artist.