Vedran Obućina

Vedran Obućina


Vedran is a Croatian theologian, historian, and political scientist specialized in interreligious dialogue, peace studies, environmental ethics, and patristic theology. His focus is on numerous topics in interreligious studies and comparative theology. He leads the Centre for Interreligious Dialogue in Croatia.

Education:University of Regensburg, 2023PhD HistoryUniversity of Zagreb, 2007MA Political ScienceProtestant School "Mihael Starin" OsijekMA TheologyExpertise:
Interreligious Studies
Member since: Aug 10, 2022Location: CroatiaPublished posts: 12

Articles by Vedran Obućina

Sufism: Mystical Islam in Africa
Sufism: Mystical Islam in Africa

Sufism is a mystical branch of Islam that emerged in Persia and spread to many regions of the world. It has been particularly successful in North and West Africa.

What Is the Philosophy Behind Zen Gardens?
What Is the Philosophy Behind Zen Gardens?

In Japanese culture, a Zen garden is a place for reflection where all the natural elements that make it up nourish the mind and body.

Sufism in South and South East Asia
Sufism in South and South East Asia

Most commonly associated with the Middle East, Sufism gradually spread through the Indian subcontinent and beyond.

Sufism in the Ottoman Balkans
Sufism in the Ottoman Balkans

The Sufis of the Ottoman Balkans significantly strengthened the development of Islam. Sufi influence is still felt in the overall appearance of Balkan Islam.

Who Was Mahavira? The 24th Reformer (Tirthankara) of Jainism
Who Was Mahavira? The 24th Reformer (Tirthankara) of Jainism

Mahavira was the last of 24 supreme preachers (Tirthankara) in the Indian religion of Jainism and is considered the founder of the contemporary religion.

The 3 Earliest Christian Monastic Orders
The 3 Earliest Christian Monastic Orders

In early Christian history, three Church Fathers established monastic orders that lasted more than a thousand years. Learn more about St. Macarius, St. Basil, and St. Benedict!

Sikh Gurus: Sikhism & the Religion’s 10 Spiritual Leaders
Sikh Gurus: Sikhism & the Religion’s 10 Spiritual Leaders

Sikh Gurus are the ten spiritual teachers whom all Sikhs follow as disciples. Discover the Sikh Gurus from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh.

Sikh Surnames: Why the Names Singh and Kaur Relate to Princesses and Lions
Sikh Surnames: Why the Names Singh and Kaur Relate to Princesses and Lions

Sikhism is a traditional Indian religion in which all members have the same two surnames as an expression of unity. All men are named Singh, and all women are named Kaur.