Zoë Mann

Zoë Mann

United States

With a background in art history, photography, and film, Zoë loves to share her adoration of the arts to anyone willing to listen. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her cat Harrison.

Education:Loyola Marymount University, 2021MFA FilmPace University, 2018BA Art HistoryExpertise:
Modern Art
Contemporary Art
Member since: Jun 05, 2020Location: United StatesPublished posts: 12

Articles by Zoë Mann

Was the Minotaur Real?
Was the Minotaur Real?

The Minotaur was a mythical beast from Greek Mythology that was half-man and half-bull.

Socrates Sips Wine & Discusses Love: What Happens at a Symposium?
Socrates Sips Wine & Discusses Love: What Happens at a Symposium?

A symposium was a key aspect of ancient Greek culture. Plato wrote about a fictional symposium where Socrates discussed love.

5 Art Movies on Famous Artists Worth Watching (Updated 2021)
5 Art Movies on Famous Artists Worth Watching (Updated 2021)

Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Jean-Michel Basquiat - It's difficult not to become entranced with the lives of famous artists. Explore why they are who they are in these art movies.

6 Stolen Artworks the Met Museum Had To Return to their Rightful Owners
6 Stolen Artworks the Met Museum Had To Return to their Rightful Owners

Sometimes, the provenance of artworks hanging in museums is questionable. Here are some examples of stolen artworks in the Met Museum in New York that were returned to their owners.

Top 6 Art Galleries To Visit In NYC (2020-21)
Top 6 Art Galleries To Visit In NYC (2020-21)

There is always something to do in New York City. Here are the 6 top galleries to visit on an afternoon out!

Why does Baby Jesus Look like an Old Man in Medieval Religious Iconography?
Why does Baby Jesus Look like an Old Man in Medieval Religious Iconography?

When perusing the Medieval religious iconography in a museum, it is difficult to miss baby Jesus with the face of a grown man! Why was this his popular depiction?

Kara Walker: Using The Horrors Of The Past To Awaken The Present
Kara Walker: Using The Horrors Of The Past To Awaken The Present

Kara Walker’s art exhibits the truths of contemporary racism and misogyny while using images of a violent antebellum reality.

10 Shimmering Facts About Marc Chagall’s America Windows
10 Shimmering Facts About Marc Chagall’s America Windows

A gift to the Art Institute of Chicago, Marc Chagall created his America Windows, symbolizing his gratitude for the country that saved his life.