Climate activists lately started targeting works of art as a way of putting climate problems in focus. This is happening all over the world, all over the internationally famous cultural institutions. The goal is to prevent attacks, so the authorities increased sanctions for environmental activism. Because of this, some protesters gathered at the Met, in sign of protest to these sanctions.
Climate Activists Charges Include Conspiracy
Protesters are members of the Extinction Rebellion and Rise & Resist group. They protested in front of the “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen” sculpture, made by Edgar Degas. Climate activists formed a circle and painted their hands and fingers with a red paint. They also had a few signs with different messages: “Earth is a treasure, no art was harmed”, “No art on a dead planet” and others.
This protest was similar to Joanna Smith’s and Tim Martin’s, at the National Gallery of Art (NGA) in Washington D.C. The two protesters also used red and black paint, which they threw on the case containing “Little Dancer”. The authorities arrested them. This kind of protest was a first one occurring on American soil, after many protests all across Europe. They did not destroy the sculpture, but they caused a damage worth $2,400.
The state charged them with conspiracy against the U.S. and with an injury to a National Gallery of Art. The maximum penalty for every offense is a five-year jail term and a penalty of up to $250,000. The group protesting said these charges are the highest ever for this kind of action, and are not fair.
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An Indictment of Intimidation?
Stu Waldman, an organizer with Rise & Resist said a few words: “If Joanna and Tim had been graffiti artists using fingerpaint to tag plexiglass, they wouldn’t be facing the prospect of lengthy prison sentences. Their indictment is not based on their actions, but on their motivations. It is an indictment of intimidation, rather than a pursuit of justice”.
In addition, protesters at the Met wrapped their lips using black tape that had words such as “Famine,” “Floods,” “Glaciers,” and “Wildlife”, as a representation of the “suppression faced by activists,” according to the release. Officials from the Metropolitan claim that there was no harm caused by the protest. The demonstration is part of a larger #FreeTheDegasTwo campaign.
“If our government still possesses any remnants of democracy, it must not permit climate criminals to elude accountability, while simultaneously punishing citizens who dare to challenge their wrongdoing—citizens who themselves are victims of the actions of these climate criminals”, said Georgia B. Smith, a member of Extinction Rebellion.