
The Life of Malcolm X: “You Had Better Make Some Noise”

Malcolm X was the best-known Black nationalist leader in the Civil Rights Movement. His vigor and “by any means necessary” policy defined his activism.

life of malcolm x



  • Malcolm X was a prominent Black nationalist leader during the Civil Rights Movement who advocated for Black power and self-defense.
  • Born Malcolm Little, he joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) while in prison and became a key figure. Later, he broke away to form his own organization, Muslim Mosque Inc.
  • Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965 by members of the Nation of Islam.
  • His legacy includes influencing the Black Power Movement, promoting Black identity and pride, and contributing to the spread of Islam in Black communities in the United States.


Malcolm X was a civil rights activist and minister who advocated for Black power through a group called the Nation of Islam. He is a household name in the United States as he showed another side of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 60s. He was not a pacifist and thus has been pitted against the likes of other activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. However, what Malcolm X stood for was different from other activists of the time, as he fought for Black nationalism over equality.


The Early Life of Malcolm X

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Malcolm X’s parents, Louise and Earl Little. Source: PBS


Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska. He was the fourth of eight children in the Little family. His mother, Louise, was a homemaker, and his father was a Baptist preacher and a local leader of Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association. X’s encounters with racism began before he was even born, and hate groups plagued him and his family for the rest of his life.


When Louise Little was pregnant with Malcolm, a group of Ku Klux Klan members stormed to the family’s house, armed with rifles, and demanded Earl Little come out. The family left Nebraska and settled in Wisconsin in 1926 and then in Lansing, Michigan, in 1928. During his childhood, Malcolm’s parents moved around a lot in the hopes of escaping violence from the KKK and its offshoot groups like the Black Legion, but the harassment only continued and increased.


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Malcolm Little, circa 1935. Source: PBS


In Lansing, racist groups smashed the windows of the family home, and eventually, a mob burned and destroyed their house. According to X, “The white police and firemen came and stood around watching as the house burned to the ground,” ignoring the needs of the Littles. In 1931, after moving his family to East Lansing, Earl Little was found dead on the local streetcar tracks.


After the numerous death threats Little received, his wife and family believed he had been murdered by white supremacists. However, the police would not consider that Earl’s death had been the result of foul play and ruled it as a streetcar accident. While Louise received some life insurance money, about $18 per month, a larger policy was denied to her after the company claimed that Earl had committed suicide.


X’s mother, Louise, eventually moved on and became pregnant with one of Malcolm’s half-siblings. However, upon learning about the pregnancy, the father of the child disappeared, and Louise suffered a mental breakdown. She was institutionalized in 1938 in Kalamazoo State Hospital, where she remained for nearly 25 years. The children were sent to separate foster homes soon after.


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Malcolm X and his half-sister, Ella Little-Collins, who he lived with in Boston, 1941. Source: TyreeBP on Twitter


Malcolm X lived in several foster homes before he began high school in Mason, Michigan. He was well-liked in a class where there were very few Black students, and he excelled in his studies. However, after a white teacher told him his goal of being a lawyer was unrealistic, he dropped out of school at 15 years old in 1941. He then moved to Boston and worked odd jobs until he was 21, doing the same after moving between Flint, Michigan, Harlem, and back to Boston.


Malcolm X was involved with gambling, racketeering, and drug dealing in addition to his odd jobs throughout the city, and in 1946, he and four other men were arrested for burglary in Boston. The group had allegedly been targeting wealthy white families, and X was sentenced to 8-10 years for the crime.


Malcolm X in the Nation of Islam

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An early 1940s mugshot of Malcolm X. Source: PBS


The Nation of Islam (NOI) was founded in the 1930s as an ethnoreligious movement that focused on Black nationalism and the African diaspora. The group aimed to reclaim the original Islamic identity of African Americans, decrying Christianity as a tool of white supremacy.


While the NOI has never been officially considered part of mainstream Islam, they were seen as “quasi-Islamic.” They selectively chose parts of the Islamic doctrine to adhere to, and their main goal was not to worship Allah but rather to honor the Tribe of Shabazz, a tribal group they believed to be the ancestral Black nation from whom all Black people descended.


To the NOI, anyone who was not light-skinned and of Western European descent could be considered Black and a descendant of the tribe. The Nation of Islam’s goal was to inspire African Americans to flee back to Africa to escape Western oppression. In the United States, the NOI aimed to attract disenfranchised African Americans in poor neighborhoods and penitentiaries, but also on college campuses.


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Malcolm X pictured with Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the NOI, in 1961. Source: The New York Times


Malcolm Little was first introduced to the NOI through his siblings’ letters, which he received while serving his prison sentence in Massachusetts. While he was initially uninterested, his brother Reginald convinced Malcolm to convert after highlighting that their relationships with white people had always been tainted. Malcolm’s disdain for Christianity also played a part in his decision to join the group. He quickly received the message of the NOI and wrote to Elijah Muhammad, the leader of the group, under whose tutelage he converted.


After his release in 1952, Malcolm changed his last name to X in a symbolic departure from his “slave name” of Little, which he claimed had been given to his forebears by American enslavers. He became a minister in the NOI and was named assistant minister of the Nation’s Temple Number 1 in Detroit. Malcolm X later moved back to Boston to establish the Nation’s Temple Number 11. He continued to expand the group’s reach, establishing three more temples in three years. He significantly contributed to the NOI’s membership base and, by the late 1950s, was appointed the Nation’s lead spokesman.


Malcolm X’s official position as National Representative of the Nation of Islam made him the number two in command of the organization, under only Muhammad. During his time with the NOI, membership expanded from around 400 members to between 25,000 and 50,000 members.


Malcolm X & Martin Luther King Jr.

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Malcolm X, his wife, Betty, his daughters, Qubilah, Attallah, and Ilyasah, with X’s friend boxer Cassius Clay, soon to be known as Muhammad Ali. Source: PBS


Malcolm X was a charismatic, imposing, and passionate public face for the NOI. He was extremely articulate and good-looking and stood at over six feet, making him physically intimidating. He was the most popular member of the NOI in the media and made several speeches at major universities, such as Harvard and Oxford. He was also known for preaching in the streets of the cities where he led temples. In 1958, he married Betty Sanders, who changed her name to Betty X and joined the Nation of Islam. The couple had six daughters together during the eight years of their marriage.


X was a sharp foil to the rest of the ongoing Civil Rights Movement. In particular, he disagreed with the movement’s opinions concerning integration and nonviolence, which Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. broadly promoted. The most important issues to Malcolm X were the ideals of Black identity and independence. He rebuked the idea that civil rights should be focused on the ability to sit in a restaurant or the front of a bus.


Malcolm X also took a more hardline approach to defending the rights of Black Americans. He encouraged his followers to protect themselves “by any means necessary” because, unlike Dr. King, Malcolm X believed that social disobedience and passive resistance would lead to nothing but more violence against Black people. He was under active surveillance by the FBI during the entirety of his career for his stances on civil rights.


The Evolution of Malcolm X’s Activism

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Malcolm X at his first and only meeting with Martin Luther King Jr.. Source: The New York Times


Despite his deep connection to the NOI, Malcolm X broke from the organization in 1964 over several ideological differences, mainly related to Elijah Muhammad’s strict influence. Instead, X created his Black nationalist organization, Muslim Mosque Inc., where he expressed a desire to work with other civil rights leaders. During this time, he also converted to Sunni Islam while on a pilgrimage to Mecca. X advocated that Islam could be the solution to racial problems in the United States.


Regardless of his past separatist views, Malcolm X attended a Senate hearing on the Civil Rights Bill in Washington DC, where he briefly met Dr. King for the first and only time. The photos from this meeting were a sort of symbolic shift in X’s activism, which pivoted into more nonviolent forms of opposition to civil rights. In addition to this, X began to shift to advocating for human rights in general by founding the Organization of Afro-American Unity, a group aiming to connect the plight of Black Americans with that of the rights of African people in developing areas of the world.


The Assassination & Legacy of Malcolm X

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The Audubon Ballroom, where Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965. Source: The Library of Congress, Washington DC


Malcolm X’s break with the Nation of Islam significantly increased tensions between the leader and the group. Threats of violence, including death, were commonplace. His conversion to orthodox Islam, as well as his advocacy for civil rights, contributed to the growing hostility. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated while giving a speech in New York City at the Audubon Ballroom. His autopsy revealed that X had 21 gunshot wounds. Three gunmen were arrested for the crime.


All three of X’s assassins were members of the Nation of Islam. The only confirmed shooter was Talmadge Hayer, who was sentenced to life in prison but paroled in 2010. The role of the other two shooters is still a topic of controversy, as two men were convicted but had their sentences overturned after it was found that key evidence was withheld during their trials. Les and Tamara Payne, who wrote the biography The Dead Are Arising: The Life of Malcolm X, assert that the other two killers were members of the Newark, New Jersey NOI Temple.


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Participants in the Black Power Movement in 1970. Source: The National Museum of African American History & Culture


Malcolm X is still considered one of the most influential African Americans in history. He influenced the Civil Rights Movement in a way that other activists could not, insofar as his advocacy. Indeed, his advocacy, for many Black Americans, encapsulated their struggle more accurately. He is also credited with creating an air of self-esteem for Black Americans, encouraging them to reconnect to their heritage.


Malcolm X is also largely responsible for the spread of Islam in Black communities throughout the United States. His ideology was the basis for movements of Black Activists like the Black Power Movement and the Black Arts Movement. He is also credited for the widespread use of identifiers like “Black” and “Afro-American” over those like “colored” and “negro” which were used at the time. In addition to these phrases, the slogan “Black is beautiful” can also be attributed to Malcolm X.


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A portrait of Malcolm X in Hartford, Connecticut, 1963. Source: African American Intellectual History Society


Though Malcolm X was a controversial figure in the Civil Rights Movement, his legacy extends to the Black consciousness movements that are still ongoing today. As he said in his autobiography, “Early in my life, I had learned that if you want something, you had better make some noise.” His influence was and is invaluable to making noise in the fight against racism, both incidental and systemic, that is still being carried on by Black Americans.




What role did Malcolm X play in the emergence of the Black Power movement?

Malcolm X significantly fueled the Black Power movement by championing Black pride, self-defense, and self-determination. He criticized systemic racism and inspired a generation with his “by any means necessary” philosophy and Black nationalist ideology. His teachings directly influenced groups like the Black Panther Party, making him a key figure in the movement’s rise. 


What did the X in Malcolm X mean?

The “X” was a powerful symbol of resistance, identity, and the search for heritage.  Like many members of the Nation of Islam, Malcolm X believed that the surnames carried by Black Americans were imposed on their ancestors by slaveholders and were a vestige of this history of oppression. The “X” also represented his unknown African ancestral surname, symbolizing the loss of identity and heritage caused by slavery.  


Originally published: September 21, 2023. Last update: February 25, 2025, by Maria Anita Ronchini.

Madison Whipple

Madison Whipple

BA History

Madison Whipple is from St. Louis, Missouri and has spent her whole life loving history. She graduated in 2021 from university and subsequently moved to Spain to teach high school at a bilingual school. She particularly enjoyed teaching history classes in English and longed to return to academic writing. Now she has written over 50 articles for TheCollector, focusing particularly on American history, though she also loves writing about women's history. Madison currently lives in Valencia, Spain and in her spare time she enjoys going to museums, reading, and recording her podcast, Where Past Meets Planet.