The Norse gods, worshipped by the Vikings, have captured the modern imagination thanks to historical TV dramas, such as the History Channel’s Vikings, and pop-culture phenomena, such as Marvel’s Thor. One-eyed Odin, impulsive Thor, and deceitful Loki all appear in the pantheon of Norse gods worshipped by the “heathen” Vikings who terrorized their Christian neighbors. Their mythological tales reveal much about the Viking view of the universe, morality, and fate. Read on to meet ten of the most important gods and goddesses from the Norse pantheon.
10. Hel – Goddess of the Underworld

- Daughter of Loki and the giantess Angrboda
- Born half-black and half-white, meaning half-living and half-dead
- Ruler of Helheim, one of the Norse underworlds, with the help of her guard dog Garm
The history of the nefarious Norse goddess Hel appears in several surviving documents, such as the 13th-century Poetic Edda and Prose Edda, the 9th- and 10th-century poems within the Heimskringla and Egils saga, and the 12th-century Latin work Gesta Danorum. Archaeological evidence includes depictions of Hel on several Migration Period bracteates and imitation medallions.
She is often depicted as half-dead and half-alive, with blue skin and a sad appearance. Her father was the famous Norse god Loki, and her mother was the giantess Angrboda. Hel’s siblings by the same parents were Jörmungand, the serpent wrapped around the world, and Fenrir, the wolf. She was so terrible to look upon that Odin sent her to rule over one of the Norse afterlives, Helheim, with the help of her guard dog Garm.
Helheim was not just a place for the wicked, anyone could find themselves there. When the god Baldr died, considered the best of all the gods, he found himself in Helheim since he did not die in battle. Hel gave him a place of respect, enthroned at her side. Under Christian influence, later Christian authors described Helheim as a place more akin to Christian Hell, populated by the wicked. There Hel had a plate called “hunger,” a knife called “famine,” and a bed called “sick-bed,” indicating that the dead would find no comfort in Hel.
9. Heimdall – Watchman of the Gods

- Watchman of the gods who oversaw the Bifrost Bridge that connected Asgard to Midgard
- Born from nine mothers, he had many extraordinary gifts such as enhanced hearing and vision
- Possesses a ringing horn called Gjallahorn that can be heard throughout the Norse cosmos
The Norse god Heimdall was the “Watchman of the Gods” and the son of nine mothers. He had extraordinary eyesight and hearing and thus was appointed the guardian of the Bifröst, the rainbow bridge that connected Asgard (the realm of the gods) to Midgard (the world of humans). Stories about Heimdall are detailed on a Saltfleetby spindle whorl inscription in England, in the Poetic and Prose Eddas, and within the 9th- and 10th-century poems within the Heimskringla. Heimdall is also believed to be a figure holding a large horn with a sword on a stone cross from the Isle of Man and a 9th- or 10th-century Gosford Cross in Cumbria, England.

Heimdall’s most important possessions were his gold-maned horse Gulltoppr and a “ringing” horn called Gjallarhorn that alerted the gods to the approach of their enemy (the giants) during Ragnarök, the prophesized end of the world battle in Norse mythology. Interestingly, Heimdall’s greatest foe was Loki. According to some versions of Norse mythology, the pair kill each other during the great battle.
8. Baldr – The Dead God

- Son of Odin and Frigg and considered the most radiant and beautiful of the gods
- Nothing in existence could hurt him (except mistletoe) and he was invincible
- His unexpected death sets in motion the events of Ragnarök
Accounts of the gentle, fair, and radiant Norse god Baldr are provided by Saxo Grammaticus and other Danish Latin chroniclers, plus the Poetic and Prose Eddas. The son of Odin and Frigg, Bladr was adored by gods and mortals alike. Desiring to protect her son, Frigg secured promises from all things in existence never to harm him. All agreed to the pledge except for mistletoe, as it was too young to make such a vow. Therefore, upon discovering this single weakness, Loki stole some mistletoe, crafted it into a dart, and tricked Baldr’s blind brother, Hodr, into throwing it at him. Unfortunately, the mistletoe pierced Baldr’s heart, killing him instantly.
Despite the Æsir’s (gods) attempt to resurrect Baldr, the goddess Hel would only return Baldr if the world wept for him. The giantess Thokk — perhaps Loki in disguise — refused to shed a tear, and thus, Baldr remained dead. His death purportedly marked the beginning of the series of events that would lead to Ragnarök, as it finally saw the alliance between the Aesir gods and Loki break. After the destruction of Ragnarök, Baldr will be reborn to help usher in a new era of light and peace.
According to Gylfaginning, a section within the Prose Edda, Baldr’s wife was Nanna and his son Forseti. Baldr also had a vessel called Hringhorni and a shining fortress called Breidablik, renowned for its remarkable and unmatched beauty.
7. Týr: God of War and Justice

- God of war and justice associated by the Romans with their god Mars
- May have been the most important god of war among the proto-Vikings, but this role was usurped by Odin
- Best known for sacrificing his hand to trick the great wolf Fenrir into binding himself with an unbreakable chain
Týr was a Norse deity associated with courage, heroic glory, justice, selflessness, upholding oaths and agreements, and war. Researchers suspect that Týr, a god of war, may originally have been the most important war deity among the proto-Vikings, but his position was later usurped by Odin, who became the principal Norse god of war.
According to the 18th-century Icelandic manuscript ÍB 299 4, Týr was identified as the ancient Roman god Mars. He was also depicted as the son of the jötunn Hymir in the Poetic Edda’s Hymiskviða or the son of Odin in the Prose Edda’s Skáldskaparmál. The Poetic Edda’s Lokasenna further potentially hints at his existence as an unnamed and enigmatic consort.

One fascinating myth recounts Týr’s involvement in binding the monstrous wolf Fenrir. In an act of cunning, Týr placed his hand inside Fenrir’s mouth as a gesture of trust, luring the wolf into the trap and enabling his binding. However, when Fenrir discovered the deceit, he bit off Týr’s hand. This act demonstrated the god’s unwavering commitment to upholding order and fulfilling his duties, even at great personal sacrifice. He is reportedly destined to be devoured by Hel’s guard dog Garm as part of the final blood battle at Ragnarök.
6. Frigg: Matron and Mother

- Wife of Odin, mother of Balder, and queen of Asgard
- Matronly advisory and diplomatic associations
- Frigg and Freyja may have been one goddess who later became two separate entities
The protective Norse goddess Frigg was Odin’s wife and Baldr’s mother. As an advocate for matrimonial bonds, fertility, and wisdom. Frigg is portrayed in Icelandic narratives as attempting to preserve her son’s life after a prophetic dream but failing. She was reportedly a great seeress, but never told anyone what she saw. Frigg was also a wife and head of household, often described as advising her husband and serving mead in his hall, an important political function associated with agreements and oaths. She had her own hall, Fensalir, and was attended by several handmaids who delivered messages for her and could protect people on her behalf.
Historical documents that mention this Norse goddess are the 7th-century Origo Gentis Langobardorum; Paul the Deacon’s 8th-century Historia Langobardorum; the 10th-century Second Merseburg Incantation found in Merseburg, Germany; the Poetic and Prose Eddas; and the Heimskringla and Völsunga sagas. A 12th-century wall in the Schleswig Cathedral in Schleswig-Holstein, Northern Germany, also depicts the goddess wearing a cloak and riding a big cat. Adjacent to her is another veiled woman, likewise wearing a cloak but riding a distaff. Given notable iconographic resemblances to the textual accounts, scholars believe both figures represent the Norse goddesses Frigg and Freyja. There is evidence to suggest that in proto-Viking times, Frigg and Freyja were a single goddess and that they became two distinct entities by the Viking Age.
5. Freyja: Goddess of Love, Beauty, Fertility, and Magic

- Vanir goddess who went to live among the Aesir
- Goddess of love and beauty, fertility, and seiðr magic
- Presided over Fólkvangr, an afterlife for brave fallen warriors similar to Valhalla
In Norse mythology, Freyja is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertile abundance. Freyja is found in various sources, from ancient texts to modern folklore. She is attested in the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Heimskringla, and several Sagas of Icelanders, including the notable short story Sörla þáttr. Freyja’s influence further extends to the poetry of skalds and, in the modern age, within Scandinavian folklore, ensuring her enduring presence in the region’s cultural heritage.
Freyja was a member of the Vanir gods with the gift of magic and divination, including the practice of seiðr, a form of Norse sorcery. She came to live among the Aesir gods, led by Odin, following the conclusion of the Aesir-Vanir War. The goddess’s most treasured possessions were her necklace Brísingamen, a cloak of falcon feathers, a chariot pulled by two cats, and the boar Hildisvíni. Freyja was also connected to the heavenly realm of Fólkvangr, where she welcomed warriors who had fallen in battle. According to historical sources, she was married to Óðr — who shares a cultural personification with Odin — has two daughters (Hnoss and Gersemi), and was the twin sister of the god Freyr.
According to one story, Freyja is left to weep whenever her husband Óðr leaves her to wander the world, and she will often wander herself in search of him. When her tears touch the ground they turn into gold, and when they touch water they turn into amber. She was considered the most beautiful woman, and many giants made trouble for the gods by demanding her hand in marriage.
4. Freyr: God of Fertility and Kingship

- Vanir prince who received Álfheimr, the realm of the Elves, as a teething present
- Associated with fertility and kingship, he was one of the most popular gods worshipped by the Vikings
- Claimed to be the ancestor of the first Swedish ruling family
Scholars recognize Freyr as an important figure in Norse mythology associated with abundance, fertility, kingship, prosperity, rain, and the sun. As a Vanir god, he was closely linked to the natural world, particularly agriculture, and embodied qualities of peace, diplomacy, and benevolence. Mythological accounts highlight his role in fostering harmony and resolving conflicts, including his notable involvement in the peace negotiations between the Æsir and the Vanir. Historical sources, such as the Ynglinga Saga and the Poetic and Prose Eddas, provide insights into Freyr’s divine attributes, relationships with other gods, and his place within the Norse pantheon. Furthermore, archaeological evidence, such as votive offerings and depictions on artifacts like the Gallehus horns, provides tangible proof of Freyr’s existence and popularity.
Born to the god Njörðr and his unnamed sister-wife, Freyr was gifted Álfheimr, the realm of the Elves, as a teething present. Notable possessions attributed to him include the shining dwarf-made boar Gullinbursti and the foldable ship Skíðblaðnir, which always has the wind behind its sails. In addition to his association with the horse cult, Freyr is observed as an ancestor of the Swedish royal house.
One of the most famous stories about Freyr has him sitting on Odin’s throne Hlidskjalf, from where he could look out over the Norse cosmos. From there, he saw the beautiful giantess Gerdr and instantly fell in love with her, and then fell into a deep depression as he had no way of meeting her. He eventually sent his servant Skirnir to woo her on his behalf. He was forced to threaten her with a terrible curse to convince her to marry the god.
3. Odin: The All-Father

- Principal Norse god associated with war, wisdom, writing, wandering, and death
- Shaped the world and created mankind with his brothers Vili and Ve after killing Ymir
- Takes the bravest fallen warriors to live in Valhalla after death
This chief deity in Norse mythology was revered for his wisdom, knowledge, and poetic prowess. With a cunning and inquisitive nature, Odin pursued hidden truths and the mysteries of the cosmos while holding the title of the god of war and death. Records of Odin are found in the works of the Roman era to the Migration Period; the Viking Age to post-Viking age including the Poetic and Prose Eddas, Heimskringla, and sagas; and in modern folklore. The archaeological record is likewise rich with representations of Odin, such as on gold bracteates, helmet plates, picture stones, brooches, tapestries, casting molds, runestones, silver figurines, and symbols.

In the Norse texts, he is depicted as the son of Bestla and Borr and shares a kinship with his two brothers, Vili and Vé. With his brothers, Odn killed the primordial giant Ymir and used his body to shape the world and create mankind. He was thirsty for wisdom, mastering ancient arts such as shamanism and seidr magic. He plucked out his own eye as a sacrifice to drink from the well of wisdom, and hung himself from the world tree Yggdrasil for nine days and nights to learn the secrets of the runes, which he shared with mankind.
Odin is often recognized by his one-eyed visage, long beard, and spear named Gungnir. His animal companions — the wolves Geri and Freki and the ravens Huginn and Muninn — kept him company on his journeys and gathered knowledge from all across Midgard. With his eight-legged steed Sleipnir — a gift from Loki — Odin crossed the sky and dove into the underworld. As previously mentioned, Odin’s wife was Frigg, and he had many children both with his wife and various other giantesses.
He was the ultimate arbiter of war, deciding who won and lost with the help of the Valkyrie, his battalion of divine shieldmaidens. With them, he also chose the bravest fallen warriors from the battlefield to take to Valhalla, one of his great halls in Asgard. There they feast and train so that they can fight alongside the gods at Ragnarok, when Odin is destined to be devoured by the mighty wolf Fenrir.
2. Thor: God of Thunder

- Norse god of thunder associated with fertility and protection
- Charged with protecting Asgard and Midgard from the threat of the giants
- “Mjolnir” Thor’s hammer pendants used as symbols of protection
The iconic Norse deity Thor was the god of thunder, strength, and protection. In the Poetic and Prose Eddas, he is described as an athletic figure with a red beard, wielding the mighty hammer Mjölnir, capable of leveling mountains and conjuring thunderstorms. The depiction of Thor carrying a hammer is particularly significant. Hammers, known as “Thor’s Hammers” or “Mjölnir,” have been found as amulets or pendants in various archaeological contexts. These symbols were likely associated with protection, strength, and invoking Thor’s powers.
Thor is known for his adventures, battling fearsome giants and monstrous creatures and protecting gods and humans from their malevolent influence. The Gesta Danorum (Deeds of the Danes), a medieval Latin work written in the 12th century by Saxo Grammaticus, contains accounts of Thor as part of Danish history and mythology, and the Ynglinga Saga, part of the Heimskringla, includes information about the lineage of Norse kings, tracing it back to the god Odin and Thor. Several runic inscriptions found in archaeological sites further reference Thor, providing valuable historical evidence of the worship and reverence for the god among the Norse people. Such cultural influence regarding elements of Thor can be found in works of art, literature, and even place names throughout historical Norse territories.
1. Loki: The Trickster

- Giant allowed to live among the gods due to a blood pact with Odin
- Causes mischief for the gods and then helps them resolve it, leading to change
- Will lead an army of giants against the gods at Ragnarök
Coming in at #1 is the multifaceted and fascinating Norse god of chaos, Loki. In the Poetic and Prose Eddas, he is portrayed as a mischievous and cunning deity known for his shape-shifting abilities, quick wit, and actions that bring mischief and necessary change within the Norse pantheon, making him a character that is both positive and negative. While works of literature rather than historical narratives, the Sagas of the Volsungs and Ynglings often incorporate Norse mythology elements, including stories about Loki and his exploits.
According to such historical records, Loki is the son of the giants Fárbauti and Laufey and married a goddess named Sigyn. They had two sons together: Narfi and Vali. However, Loki’s family relationships are complex and vary depending on the source and interpretation. Some accounts refer to him as a blood brother of Odin through a ritual they performed, resulting in Loki being classed as a god. Another myth details his relationship with Angrboda and their offspring: the monstrous wolf Fenrir, the serpent Jörmungandr, and the half-dead, half-living Hel.

Then there is the tale of him being bound to a rock for eternity while a snake drips venom on him. This punishment was issued to him for all his wicked deeds, but especially his role in the death of Baldr. This breaking of the alliance between Odin and Loki starts the series of events that led to Ragnarök. While Loki was once the mischievous ally of the gods, following this act, he leads the army of giants against them at Ragnarök.
In recent years, Norse gods have gained attention and popularity, notably in popular culture, such as books, movies, and video games. While Odin and Thor are well-known, Loki, particularly through Tom Hiddleston’s portrayal, has become highly celebrated.
Originally published: October 31, 2023. Last update: January 26, 2025, by Jessica Suess.