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Slavery in Ancient Rome: An Integral Part of Roman Society

Slavery was an essential part of Roman society and there were more slaves than citizens in Rome. How exactly did slavery function in ancient Rome?

slavery market in ancient rome



  • Slavery was integral to Roman society, and slaves outnumbered citizens in Rome.
  • There were many routes to slavery, including as prisoners of war, selling oneself into slavery, or being born a slave.
  • Educated slaves could be employed as physicians, tutors, and secretaries, but slaves might also serve in mines or work as gladiators or sex workers.
  • While masters often chose to treat their slaves well, they were considered property, and the punishment for trying to escape was severe.
  • Slaves could be manumitted and become freedmen, but they still had obligations of their ex-master and carried a social stigma.
  • Imperial slaves and freedmen could accumulate great power through their work for the emperor.


Roman society was structured according to class and wealth. Its hierarchical system placed the senatorial aristocratic class at the top of the social pyramid. In the middle were the equestrians, the plebeians, and the freedmen (slaves who had gained their freedom). The slaves had the lowest social status. Many Roman slaves lived lives of unimaginable cruelty. After all, Roman law designated slaves as property, not people. However, slavery in ancient Rome underpinned much of society’s success, and the freeborn citizens of Rome were heavily dependent on slaves for their world to operate effectively.


How Many Slaves Were in Ancient Rome?

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A book engraving of the First Triumvirate – Crassus, Caesar, and Pompey, by Raphael Morghen after Giovanni Battista Mengardi, 1791—1974. Source: British Museum


Vast numbers of slaves were traded throughout the Empire, from Britain in the North to Syria in the East. At the beginning of the Imperial era, the ratio of slaves to freeborn people in the city of Rome could have been as high as 3:1. Slave ownership was common for those at the top of society. Plutarch tells us that the Republican consul, Marcus Licinius Crassus (pictured above left), owned so many slaves that he had 500 just for acquiring and rebuilding property. But it was also not uncommon for plebeians, as well as ex-slaves, to own a few slaves as well. Slave ownership was a sign of status and wealth, which nearly everyone in ancient Rome aspired to.


Evidence for Slavery in Ancient Rome

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The Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, completed in 80 CE. Source: National Geographic


It is often hard to unpick the lives of history’s poorest participants since monuments and literature usually reflect the lives of the elite. The slaves of Rome are no exception. Nevertheless, Roman literature, epigraphical sources, and archaeological finds all provide some information about slavery in ancient Rome. Pliny the Younger’s letters are one of our best sources for Roman slavery, but written work produced by elite members of Roman society has obvious limitations. Many, like Pliny, were prone to idealizing the master-slave relationship. Sadly, no surviving literature is written from the viewpoint of someone actually living the life of a Roman slave.


Epitaph inscriptions, as we shall see, provide excellent evidence for the relationships between slaves, ex-slaves, and former masters. Archaeological excavations of slave domains are also very informative. For example, the remains of amphitheaters—the arenas where gladiator slaves and prisoners of war fought—stretch from ancient Britain to Turkey. They serve as a stark reminder of how extensive enforced servitude in the Roman Empire actually was.


How Did People Become Roman Slaves?

roman slave boy marble statuette
Marble statuette of a Roman slave boy c., 1st-2nd century CE. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art


There were a number of routes into slavery in ancient Rome. One of the most common was being a prisoner of war. The expansion of the Roman Empire from the 2nd century BCE to the 2nd century CE saw many thousands of conquered people forced into servitude.


Some people were sold into slavery. This could be for a number of reasons. Piracy was common across the ancient Mediterranean and beyond. Those captured by pirates were then sold on like plunder. People who could not pay their debts could even end up selling themselves into slavery in lieu of payment.


Finally, there were those who were unfortunate enough to be born into slavery. Slave mothers were forced to hand their children over to their owners soon after birth. It was also not uncommon for slave owners to encourage relations between slaves in order to increase their numbers.


What Jobs Did Slaves Have in Rome?

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A funerary relief depicting a mistress with four slave girls dressing her hair, c. 3rd century CE. Source: Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier


There were many different types of slaves, and they could be found in every walk of life in ancient Rome. Domestic slaves were perhaps the most common. Some were educated or highly skilled and, therefore, much sought after. Tutors for children, specialist cooks, and even hairdressers could command high prices.


The success of urban life depended on an army of slaves. Many worked in civic positions in public libraries and baths and also in government administration jobs, often alongside freeborn plebeians. At the other end of the spectrum were prostitutes who worked under the watchful eye of violent brothel-keepers.


Many slaves were subjected to lives of manual labor. Some helped to run the rural estates of wealthy landowners, while others endured the horrific world of the mines, often digging for precious gold and silver. Here, the incredibly harsh conditions meant that life expectancy could be as low as a few months.


What Was the Relationship Between Master and Slave in Rome?

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Statue of Pliny the Younger from the façade of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore, pre-1480. Source: Wikimedia Commons


Slavery in ancient Rome was subject to various laws, mostly drawn up in favor of masters rather than slaves. Slave owners had legal dominium over their slaves, which essentially amounted to the power of life and death. Some slaves tried to resist servitude and ran away or attacked their masters. The punishments for those who were caught were very harsh. If a slave attacked or murdered a master, then not only the perpetrator but the entire household of slaves could be executed.


It was, arguably, in a master’s interest to treat his slaves fairly, and most probably found that this resulted in a more productive workforce. This is not to say that Roman slaves led happy lives, but benefits were sometimes granted, such as a small allowance (peculium). Pliny tells us that he even permitted informal marriage pacts and the making of wills.


cicero marble bust
A marble bust of Marcus Tullius Cicero, 1800. Source: Sotheby’s


Some slaves developed close relationships with their masters built on mutual respect, including, for example, the famous orator and politician Cicero and his personal secretary, Tiro. The following extract is taken from a letter sent by Cicero’s brother to Cicero on hearing that Tiro was to be set free. It highlights the genuine affection held for Tiro throughout the family.


I am truly thankful for what you have done with regard to Tiro, in judging his former status to be below what he deserved and preferring us to have him as a friend rather than a slave.’
(Cicero, Letters to Friends 16:6)


Were Roman Gladiators Slaves?

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Mosaic of a gladiator fight, c. 3rd century CE. Source: Villa Nennig, Germany


Due to their position at the center of public entertainment and adulation, it is perhaps easy to forget that most gladiators were also slaves. Prisoners of war and convicted criminals were often forced to become gladiators if they had the physical requirements. These men went on to live and train at a combat school (ludus) under a specialized trainer, often an ex-gladiator himself (lanista).


Many fought to the death in amphitheaters under the gaze of huge crowds — although it is a myth that a gladiator died in each and every fight. Gladiators were very expensive commodities, and their popularity with the crowd often meant that they were spared death.


gerome ave caesar morituri te salutant painting
Ave Caesar! Morituri te salutant! (Hail Caesar! We who are about to die salute you!), by Jean-Léon Gérôme, 1859. Source: Yale University Art Gallery


It is perhaps a step too far to describe gladiators as the glamorous representatives of slavery in ancient Rome. But some became very well-known and lived their lives in the spotlight. Ancient sources tell us that some women were very fond of gladiators. Small jars of sand soaked in their sweat were even sold outside amphitheaters as an aphrodisiac.


A particularly successful gladiator could sometimes earn his freedom at the discretion of the lanista. If granted, he would be awarded a wooden sword (a rudis) as a symbol of his freedom. One example of such a man was the gladiator Flamma, whose epitaph survives today. The inscription tells us that he was given the rudis four times. However, each time, he returned to work as a gladiator. Perhaps a life of fame was sometimes too alluring to give up.


How Could Roman Slaves Earn Their Freedom?

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Modern copy of a Roman gold coin issued by Brutus after the assassination of Julius Caesar, the pileus hat between two daggers represents freedom, 43—42 BCE (original). Source: British Museum


When a person was granted freedom from slavery in ancient Rome, it involved a process called “manumission.” There were several different methods of manumission. One of the most common was through a ceremony held in front of a magistrate. Here, the slave would kneel before the magistrate and be touched with a rod on the shoulder. Then, they would be given the pileus, a soft conical-shaped hat that served as a symbol of their freedom.


Many slaves were also set free as a condition of their master’s will. Others were simply declared free by their master and then allowed to formally register as citizens. Slave women could also be freed by marrying their masters. This was normally done to allow any subsequent children to be born as free citizens. Finally, there were those who bought themselves out of slavery, but this was less common.


What Was the Status of Freedmen and Freedwomen in Ancient Rome?

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A marble funerary relief panel dedicated to two freedmen, Publius Licinius Philonicus and Publius Licinius Demetrius, probably father and son, on the left are the ceremonial rods and axes used during the manumission process, 30–10 BCE. Source: British Museum


Freedmen and freedwomen in ancient Rome held the legal status of libertus and liberta, respectively. They were allowed to become citizens but with certain restrictions. Most notably, they could not hold major positions of public office, nor enroll in military service. One important advantage, though, was that their children would become full Roman citizens.


The relationship between ex-slaves and their former masters was one of the cornerstones of Roman society. This was a system of patronage that involved a series of mutual benefits and obligations. Freedmen were expected to visit their former masters each morning and carry out various administrative tasks. They also assisted with canvassing for votes if their master was standing for public office. Some freedmen ran small businesses on behalf of their former owners. Conversely, the patron was obliged to provide money and/or food to help their ex-slave and their family. They would also often introduce them to business contacts and trade networks.


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The tomb of Eurysaces the baker at the Porta Maggiore, Rome, c. 50–20 BCE. Source: photograph by Liz Lantz, via LizLantz.com


Most freedmen worked in urban trade or crafts, setting up small businesses based on their skills. Some became very wealthy as a result of their success, such as the baker Eurysaces, whose vast tomb is pictured above.


Slavery in ancient Rome held a stigma that freed people found hard to shake off. Freeborn people would often view ex-slaves as socially inferior and vulgar. Latin literature provides us with some interesting examples of the much-maligned stereotype of the uncivilized freedman. The Satyricon, a novel by Petronius, features an extremely wealthy freedman named Trimalchio. Trimalchio goes to great lengths to appear educated and cultured to his freeborn dinner guests, with little success. Petronius’ mocking portrayal only serves to deepen the social persecution of the ex-slave. At one point, the freeborn narrator haughtily describes his experience of Trimalchio’s dinner party as “more like a musical comedy than a respectable dinner party.


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Roman marble funerary relief with an epitaph dedicated to Antistius and his wife Plutia by their two freedmen, Rufus and Anthus, c. 30–10 BCE. Source: British Museum


Many hundreds of dedicatory inscriptions involving slaves, ex-slaves, and masters survive today. These inscriptions provide vital first-hand evidence of life after slavery in ancient Rome. They also reveal some fascinating details about individual journeys from slavery to freedom.


The above epitaph inscription is dedicated to Lucius Antistius Sarculo (pictured left) and his wife Antistia Plutia (pictured right) by their freedmen Rufus and Anthus. The inscription states that Rufus and Anthus paid for the inscription from their own funds. This in itself is a poignant mark of the bond formed between master and ex-slave. But we also learn from the inscription that Plutia was herself a freedwoman and the former slave of Antistius. This shows that Plutia had risen from a life of slavery to become the wife of a wealthy freeborn citizen, with slaves and freedmen of her own.


How Were Imperial Slaves and Freedmen Different?

Sarcophagus of Valerius Petronianus showing his slave holding a writing tablet, c. 4th century CE. Source: Archaeological Museum in Milan
Sarcophagus of Valerius Petronianus showing his slave holding a writing tablet, c. 4th century CE. Source: Archaeological Museum in Milan


With the rise of the principate and imperial administration, some slaves and freedmen found themselves part of the familia Caesaris, meaning they served the imperial family. With enviable access to the emperor and often employed in important administrative positions for the Empire, some of the emperor’s slaves and freedmen became extremely powerful.


Perhaps the most famous imperial freedman was Narcissus, a personal save of the emperor Claudius whom he later manumitted. An inscription reveals that Narcissus was in charge of imperial correspondence, giving him unrivaled access to delicate information. Reportedly, in 43 CE, he addressed the troops that were preparing for the conquest of Britain to prevent a mutiny, speaking in place of the emperor. He reportedly gave the order for the execution of Claudius’ wife Messalina when the emperor himself hesitated.


The influence of imperial slaves and freedmen had become so great by the 2nd century CE that Hadrian had their participation in politics limited by law. He also passed laws that prevented slaves from being sold to pimps or gladiatorial managers against their will, suggesting that it was considered inhumane to force this kind of life on anyone, even a slave.


The Legacy of Slavery in Ancient Rome

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A bronze collar tag for a slave with a Latin inscription, the text translates as follows: ‘Hold me so that I do not escape and return me to my master Viventius on the estate of Callistus’, 4th century CE. Source: British Museum


Slavery in ancient Rome was, without a doubt, an abhorrent aspect of Roman society by today’s standards. But to the Romans (at least those who were freeborn) it was entirely normal and accepted as a necessary part of daily life. Slavery in so-called civilized Western countries was not made illegal until the 19th century. Despite this, it still exists today in many countries throughout the world in various forms. Slavery in ancient Rome arguably led to many more centuries of enforced servitude, cruelly imposed by one human upon another.


Originally published: September 13, 2021. Last update: January 30, 2025, by Jessica Suess.

Laura Hayward

Laura Hayward

MA Classics, PGCE Classics, BA Latin with Greek

Laura Hayward is a contributing writer and researcher from London, UK. She is a specialist in the field of Classics, in which she has either studied or worked for over twenty years. She holds a B.A. and M.A. in Classics from University College London. She has also worked as a teacher of Classics in a leading independent school in London. Her particular areas of interest are Latin language and literature as well as Roman art and epigraphy.