Tate Modern can finally reopen its vantage point on the 10th floor of the Blavatnik Building. The space closed for public just when pandemic hit, over three years ago. The institution granted a new name to the platform, Level 10. But, visitors will no longer have a full access to the space – the organization is different. Instead of whole space, only three space’s sites are available for observation.
Tate Modern to Limit Acess Because of “Rich Locals”

This new arrangement was much needed, since the residents of NEO Bankside don’t want any disturbance to their living in the neighbourhood buildings. Because of this, there was also a legal dispute between the gallery and the Blavatnik Building residents. The case even got to the Supreme Court of the U.K. which rulled that this vantage point is a “clear case of nuisance”.
The court also sent the motion to the lower instance, to a High Court which should have a final impact on handeling the usage of this space. Many showed worry of place being indefinitely shut, but less restrictive decission has been made. Instead, the institution accepted to limit visits to the site.

The rooftop observing gallery opened in 2016 with the goal of providing expansive city vistas. When tourists started looking through the glass walls, it soon became the focus of dispute. There are also elegant residences across the street and, occasionally, capturing intrusive photos for Instagram. Rich locals talked about being waved and stared at, and feeling compelled to maintain their curtains down.
Five Residents Started Legal Battle

The Tate also erroneously posted signs requesting that guests “respect our neighbors’ privacy”. In 2017, five locals chose to file a lawsuit after first bringing the issue up with the Tate. They made a high court assert. In this document they stated that the platform hindered their capacity to “provide a safe or satisfactory home environment for young children”.
They requested a ruling forcing the museum to erect barriers around a portion of the platform. A High Court judge made a ruling in the Tate family’s benefit at the beginning of 2019, and the ruling was upheld in 2020. Justice Anthony Mann, said the museum was not “making an unreasonable use of its land”.

This year, the U.K. Supreme Court overturned all previous rulings and decided by a majority of three to two that the Tate is accountable if its guests cause a nuisance. This turned things around in favor of the neighbors.